A leap of courage

You can’t hide forever can’t ignore it you can only push and move forward with it. I miss childhood games running around hide and seek. Sometimes you are good at hiding that no one can find you. It does not happen in real life though. You can never be a good hider from anyone forever.

Sometimes a person who is impulse can also be a person who hate confrontation. Sometimes can hard for a person to confront about something which is not yours. What we can do about it is to just have a leap for courage to move forward to confront the person.

Honestly I had a plan written for this post but somehow it kind of went out of the window. This particular blog seriously does not have a direction now. A leap of courage is not meant to be misguided but it can feel like you are directionless. It’s not starting for the bottom but starting from experience and actually starting it.

No clear goals in site, then carry on through the journey to find the clear goal. Want an workmen’s want to stay at a apartment find a way to make you stay and earn yourself to be at an apartment.

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